Show News 2008
Well what a year 2008 has been for me and my little Show Team. Both Marvin & Oliver have qualified for Crufts 2009 and Channel Island Dog and Puppy of the Year. Oliver has exceeded all my expectations by being being placed at all the Championship Shows we attended in the UK, going Reserve Best Puppy in Show, winning 2 Gundog Puppy Groups and 1 Junior Group. Marvin has also had a very good year although not doing so well in the UK he has done well at the Guernsey & Jersey Show's attended. Winning 3 x BOB's and 1 x Group 1. We are looking forward to catching up with our friends at Dog of the Year in Jersey and also at Crufts. Photo below Marvin and his trophies .......
14 December 2008 - The Guernsey Kennel Club Christmas Match - Judge Heather Watkins "Nineglens" Oliver "Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee" Best Junior in Match and Reserve Best in Match. I had another great day today with Oliver. Many thanks to the Judge for thinking so highly of Oliver ....
05 December 2008 - Critique in Dog World from Mrs R M Nixon. English Springers - L (2) - 1 De Carteret’s Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee, just over 12 months and has the makings of a top class dog. Well balanced head, ears nicely set, good length of neck, well sprung ribs, nicely angulated shoulders and hindquarters, well boned, straight forelegs, excellent outline and moved very true.
26 October 2008 - The Guernsey Kennel Winter Open Show - Judge Mrs M Nixon "Brackenacre" Oliver "Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee" 1st Limit English Springer Spaniel, Gundog Junior Group, BC Watson (Class for Guernsey Exhibits under 18 months), 3rd Best Junior in Show and Reserve BC Watson in Show. Oliver is only 2 days out of Puppy and did really well today. Photo below shows BC Watson Semi Finalist Dornoir Monmouth - Great Dane and Reserve "Oliver" who was handled by his Breeder Lynn Ozanne and Judge Mrs M Nixon.
14 September 2008 - Critique from Mr A Curry PD (1) - 1 De Carteret’s Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee. Carteret – Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee Lovely outline when standing good head proportions clean neck well laid shoulders needs to body moved soundly, a promising puppy BP.
07 September 2008 - The Guernsey Kennel Club - Autumn Open Show - Judge Mr Alan Curry "Lodore" - Oliver "Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee" - 1st ESS Puppy Dog, Best ESS Puppy, Puppy Group 1 and 4th Best Puppy in Show and Best Sporting Puppy. This was Oliver's last puppy show as he misses the next Guernsey one by 2 days :-( He showed most of the time well, although he has started messing around again and jumping up for his lead, so it will be back to ringcraft for us after my holiday. Mr Curry the Gundog Judge was very complimentary and gave me lots of advice. So we will be taking that onboard. Thank you for thinking so highly of Oliver and sorry that we let you down in the Best Puppy in Show challenge. Picture below shows Mr Curry with Oliver and I ..
31 August 2008 - City of Birmingham Championship Show - Judge Mr Ernie Darby "Classicway" (Springer Spaniels) - Oliver "Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee" - 2nd Puppy Dog (CRUFTS QUALIFICATION 2009). Lynn who bred Oliver showed him for me today, as I was in the ring with Marvin. He really showed well and deserved his 2nd place in a good class of 6 puppy dogs. Lynn received lots of lovely compliments about Oliver which was nice to hear and when I took him in the Puppy Dog Stakes - Miss Jean Lanning was sitting by the ringside and remembered us from the Guernsey Show.
24 August 2008 - The Guernsey Kennel Club Match - Judge Mr David Tuner "Chakona" - Oliver "Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee" Reserve Best Puppy in Match. Photo below showing Best Puppy in Match and the Judge.
14 August 2008 - Critiques received from Miss Jean Lanning - Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee - Well balanced, clean outline. Stands on excellent legs and feet. Quality all through. Promises to finish well. Shenmore Spruce at Derrindee - Had head and eye pleasing of the breed. Little overdone in leg furnishings for an English Cocker
08 August 2008 - Critique in Our Dogs from Mrs C Wood. PD (1) - 1 De Carteret’s Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee. Pleasing head, square muzzle, dark eye, plenty of bone, good tail set and carriage, attractive puppy, moves well when settled.
07 July 2008 - Critique in Dog World from Mr R Sadler. MPD (2) - 2 De Carteret’s Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee, nice puppy, pleasing head & expression, strong neck & shoulders, well developed chest, in good condition. Preferred the movement on 1.
27 June 2008 - Windsor Championship Show - Judge Mrs C Wood "Marada" (Springer Spaniels) - Oliver "Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee" - 1st Puppy Dog and Best Puppy Dog. Oliver really showed well today and has settled down a great deal. He showed beautifully in the Puppy Dog Stakes but was unplaced. Better luck next time.
Judge Mr L Hunt (Cocker Spaniels) - Unfortunately Marvin's classes clashed with Oliver so I was unable to show him. I did however ask a friend to show him Kim Gain of Molkara Cocker Spaniels but he wasn't that happy being handled by somebody else. Hopefully there classes will not clash at the next Champ Show.
15 June 2008 - The Guernsey Kennel Club Match - Judge Mrs Carol Tuner "Chakona" Oliver "Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee" Reserve Best Puppy in Match and not to be outdone by his young kennel mate Marvin "Shenmore Spruce at Derrindee" was Reserve Best in Match. What a lovely day for Me & My Boys ..... Photo's below.
30 May 2008 - Southern Counties Championship Show - Judge Mr R Sadler (Springer Spaniels) - Oliver "Lyntonridge Loyalty Card at Derrindee" - 2nd Minor Puppy Dog. (CRUFTS QUALIFICATION 2009). This was Oliver's first Champ Show and didn't it show!! He really enjoyed his day but was a little bit naughty.
Judge Mrs A Moore (Cocker Spaniels) - Marvin was unplaced in his classes he showed really well and I was thrilled to receive the photo's below from Michelle Hatton of Royaldean Cocker Spaniels. It was a lovely surprise .. Thank You Michelle.

03 May 2008 - The Kennel Club of Jersey Spring Champsionship Show - Judge Mrs Brenda Banbury. Marvin "Shenmore Spruce at Derrindee" 1st Open Dog (2), Best of Breed and AV Gundog Open Dog 3rd. This was to be Oliver's first Show but unfortunately the night before when we were loading the car and my friend took him on a lead down the path he was attacked by my nextdoor neighbours adult Alaskan Malamute. Luckily Oliver managed to escape threw sheer fear but I thought it was important for him to come with me and not be left at home. He was fine with no visible injuries and it wasn't until the vet looked at him at the Show that he said he was badly bruised and we did find puncture wounds :-((( At the Show I asked if Mrs Banbury would mind going over Oliver which she was delighted to and awarded him a 1st and Best of Breed. We did not challenge in the Puppy Group though as Oliver was lame and in pain, but from what she saw of Oliver she thought he was a smashing puppy and hoped that this incident will not spoil his show prospects.
05 April 2008 - The Kennel Club of Jersey Winter Champsionship Show - Judge Mr Mark Hamer . Marvin "Shenmore Spruce at Derrindee" 1st Open Dog (2), Best of Breed and AV Gundog Open Dog 3rd.
03 February 2008 - The Guernsey Kennel Club Match - Judge Mr Norman Le Huray "Beaucamp" . Marvin "Shenmore Spruce at Derrindee" Reserve Best in Match. Mr Le Huray commented on how free flowing Marvin's movement was and this is what clinched the Reserve Best in Match for him. Photo below shows Best in Match winner the GSD Penwartha Apache Arrow, the Judge Mr Norman Le Huray and myself with Marvin.